For centuries, the Mijikenda community has treasured the coconut tree, referring to it as Muti wa Moyo (the tree of life). Every part of the tree served a purpose, making it an invaluable resource in their daily lives. From food and medicine to construction and rituals, the coconut tree was a pillar of survival and…
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Jessica Rehema
Birth and traditional naming among mijikenda
Welcoming a New Life: Birth and Naming Traditions Among the Mijikenda In the Mijikenda community, the birth of a child is a moment of great joy and celebration. It is not just the parents who rejoice but also the entire family and village. A child is seen as a blessing, and special traditions are followed…
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Jessica Rehema
Mijikenda traditional dance
Dancing with the Ancestors: The Spirit of Mijikenda Traditional Dance For the Mijikenda people of Kenya, dance is more than just movement—it is a language, a story, and a connection to the past. Whether celebrating a wedding, mourning a loved one, or preparing for war, the Mijikenda express their emotions through powerful and graceful dances.…
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Jessica Rehema
The unique art of mijikenda
Vigango The Unique Art of the Mijikenda People The Mijikenda are a group of nine communities living along the southeastern coast of Kenya. These communities are the Kauma, Chonyi, Jibana, Giriama, Kamabe, Ribe, Rabai, Duruma, and Digo. Each group has its own customs, but they share many traditions, especially in art. Mijikenda art is deeply…
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Jessica Rehema
Reintroducing culture
Reintroducing Culture: The Mijikenda Way Culture is the foundation of every community. It defines how people live, dress, eat, and celebrate important events. Over time, many communities have abandoned their traditions in favor of modern ways. However, the Mijikenda people have started to bring back their culture, especially in weddings and dressing, but with a…
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Jessica Rehema
Coconut:The gold of Coast
The Vanishing Gold of the Coast: Among the many treasures coastal region boast, the humble coconut stands out as a symbol of both tradition and livelihood. For generations, the cultivation and harvesting of coconuts have been integral to the local economy, weaving a story of sustenance and resilience. However, recent times have witnessed a troubling…
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Jessica Rehema
Mwanamuche ni Dhahabu
Kadzo na Furaha were ni asena akurya na kusazirana.Atu anji maona ni mutu na mvahawe kwa zhomarekala mahamwenga zhomu.Makala manambirana Siri zao na makihenda utu wowosi hamwenga.Were manenda khunini hamwenga na hatha madzini.Were Kadzo akimala kwenda madzini suthu ende kwa ni Furaha akamuhale mende hamwenga.Were hatha hatha mumwenga wao akikosana na azhazie lazima angembira mwanziwe.Kwa…
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Jessica Rehema
Kihenzacho Roho ni Dawa
Kwambolera kisa kirichoshangaza atu na kuaricha atu madziuze maswali manji manji. Badesa were ni kijiji kidzichohurira na were kakina mautu manji. Gafula kwaanza kuonenakana mvulana ariye were kamanyikana wambolerahi. Wakudza mala kazi ya urisa na akibahatika akipewa kahiza mudzi urio vuma ng’ombe sana. Mdzini haho were hanaifwa ha Kenga Mhache na mudzi uwo were ni…
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Jessica Rehema
Kahi za cha kijiji cha shononeka kwakala na msichana arevuma nguma ya urembo. Athana were manasinda di cho ho hao arya manenda makimala madzi ga gunwa angine manenda makiuzira kuku magule. Musichana mwenye tha were kanazho, uriokala akilini mwakwe were ni kupata elimu ili adze akole familia ya kwao. Mbali na udzo wosi sikuli were…
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