August 19, 2023

Giriama Names

Giriama Nomenclature Giriama people speak Kigiriama, or Kigiryama, a sub-language of the Mijikenda. Kigiryama like all the nine tribes closely have related languages belonging to the Bantu language that forms part of the more prominent Niger-Congo language family. Giriama are amongst the largest (or the second largest after Digo) of the Mijikenda There is politics…

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Erick Saddam

April 20, 2023

History of The Giriama people

  History of The Giriama people Giriama are part of Mijikenda people whose oral history relates that the ancestors of the Mijikenda, who were then one people, lived in a place called Singwaya, believed to be north of Tana River and south ofJuba River in Somalia. However due to conflicts with other communities there they…

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Erick Saddam

April 19, 2023

Giriama Traditional Wedding

Kuhaswa – Traditional Giriama weddingThe parents of the bride groom look for the bride.They go to the bride’s home and the father of the bridegroom introduces himself and then says”Fudzire mala Mudzungu wa utsunguni”. We have come to look for the cucumber that is painful. The father of the bride answers”nanmambale”let the painful cucumber spread.…

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Erick Saddam

April 19, 2023

The ‘mad’ Kenyan woman who rattled the British

Mekatilili wa Menza Mekatilili wa Menza may have been in the freedom struggle scene for a short time, but her contribution in raising the African consciousness among the Giriama people of the Coastal Kenya was immense.Mekatilili was one of the first women in Kenya to rise up against the British in 1913. Her bravery, oratorical…

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Erick Saddam

February 1, 2023

Mepoho: The Tale of the Magical Giriama Woman

Mepoho: The Tale of the Magical Giriama Woman Mepoho was a Giriama woman who lived in the 13th century. The Giriama are a subgroup of the Mijikenda, or 9 villages, who largely reside along the the Kenyan Coast. Legend has it that, some women who had gone to get water one chilly morning found Baby…

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Erick Saddam

October 29, 2022

Mashujaa Day

Mashujaa Day is observed on October 20 every year. However, in case this date ever falls on a weekend, the day is shifted to the following Monday, which is then declared as a public holiday. ‘Mashujaa’ is the Swahili word for ‘Heroes,’ and because of this, Mashujaa Day is called ‘Heroes’ Day’ also. This significant…

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Erick Saddam

October 7, 2022

Utamaduni Day

UTAMADUNI DAY CELEBRATION Utamaduni Day is a public holiday in Kenya observed on October 10th each year. The day has been set aside to celebrate the country’s rich cultural diversity and heritage. Previously it was celebrated to honour Daniel Arap Moi, who was the former president of Kenya. Until 2020, this holiday was called Moi…

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Erick Saddam

September 30, 2022

Mwanamuche ni Dhahabu

Kadzo na Furaha were ni asena akurya na kusazirana.Atu anji maona ni mutu na mvahawe kwa zhomarekala mahamwenga zhomu.Makala manambirana Siri zao na makihenda utu wowosi hamwenga.Were manenda khunini hamwenga na hatha madzini.Were Kadzo akimala kwenda madzini suthu ende kwa ni Furaha akamuhale mende hamwenga.Were hatha hatha mumwenga wao akikosana na azhazie lazima angembira mwanziwe.Kwa…

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Jessica Rehema

August 28, 2022

Is your WhatsApp still private?

WhatsApp is a platform with over 2 billion people in the world, in february 2014 with a bid at $16 billion Facebook acquired the messaging platform. Upon acquiring the same, there were rumours that Whatsapp could now be public and not the same secretive as it was. Since then, whatsapp has been having many changes…

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Kithi Daniels

August 18, 2022

The Mijikenda Community of Coastal Kenya

The word ‘Mijikenda‘ directly translates to ‘nine villages’. The Mijikenda tribe, is one among the North-East Coastal Bantu groups, that inhabit the Kenyan coast. Like its name implies, the group consists of nine sub-tribes who share a similar cultural and linguistic heritage. Here is the catch – each subtribe speaks a different dialect of the…

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Emmanuellar Sidi